Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Peer Review Paper 4

Just as a reminder, your peer review for paper 4 should focus on style and mechanics. Use the style section in your College Guide textbook (beginning on page 34) to guide you in checking style. Check paragraphing as well as individual sentences. Use the checklists throughout that section. Please do a thorough job and cover all areas listed in the text. Peer reviews are due Wednesday.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Making Up for Lost Time

I'm so sorry to miss class this week--I know you are all terribly disappointed. ;0) I'm headed to the doctor today and will be back Monday no matter how I feel.

Fortunately, I think we will be able to stay on schedule for the most part. Please be prepared with your drafts on Monday. Drafts will be required as usual on draft days. Remember, your summary should be approximately two pages: clear, complete, concise and comprehensive.

When you come to class on Monday, I will give you a model for documentation of the source. Then, next Wednesday, we will check them in class.

IMPORTANT: The reading for Monday will be the Tannen essay you read for this week. Please review that and come ready to talk about it. The grammar quiz for Monday will be the one you were scheduled to take this week also.

Please write to me if you have any questions: jrossite@lcsc.edu
