Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Peer review Questions, Paper 5

Please answer the following questions in your peer review.
1. Find the writer's thesis. Use the checklist for thesis statements on p. 9 of The College Guide to make sure the writer has a strong thesis.

2. List the arguments (for, against and counter) used by the author in this paper. Make suggestions for other arguments.

3. Check the organization. Does the author follow the outline provided in class? Try "One More Organizing Option" at on page 15 in The College Guide. (This exercise requires you to write sentences.) Also, use "Your Turn on page 38 of The College Guide to check the writer's paragraphs and transitions.

4. Use the checklist for style "do's and don'ts" on page 39 in The College Guide to check style.6. Do the exercise on p. 46 of The College Guide to check for grammar errors. Look for these 5 and any others you can find.
