Monday, September 28, 2009

Peer Review Questions Paper 2

Please note that some of these questions are a little different from last time. Peer reviews due Wednesday, Sept. 30.

1. Find the writer's thesis. Use the checklist for thesis statements on p. 9 of The College Guide to make sure the writer has a strong thesis.

2. Does the writer use a HOOK? Which kind? Is it effective? If the writer does not use a hook, make a suggestion for a hook that would fit this paper.

3. List (very briefly on a piece of paper or at the end of the essay) the causes and effects discussed in the paper. Are there other causes/effects that you feel the writer should consider? List them as "suggestions" after the causes and effects.

4. Check the organization. Try "One More Organizing Option" at on page 15 in The College Guide. (This exercise requires you to write sentences.) Also, use "Your Turn on page 38 of The College Guide to check the writer's paragraphs and transitions.

5. Use the checklist for style "do's and don'ts" on page 39 in The College Guide to check style.6. Do the exercise on p. 46 of The College Guide to check for grammar errors. Look for these 5 and any others you can find.

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