Monday, October 19, 2009

Peer Review Questions Paper 3

Answer the following questions for paper 3 peer review. Please be thorough in your answer. Even if you aren't sure what to tell the writer, offer a suggestion. It is his or her choice whether or not to use your ideas.

After reading the paper carefully, complete the following...

1. Identify all of the comparisons/contrasts examined in the paper.

2. Make a suggestion of two additional comparisons/contrasts that the writer may include. Don't suggest just anything; give the writer an idea that would really add to the content of the paper.

3. Is there a hook? If so, mark it clearly on the draft and make a suggestion for improving it. If not, offer an idea for a new one.

4. Identify the thesis statement. Re-write the thesis for the writer, attempting to make it clearer and more specific.

5. Check the organization by identifying the main idea in each paragraph. You may do this by writing a brief phrase next to the paragraph or clearly marking a sentence you think represents the main idea.

6. Check the paper for a conclusion which ends without giving new information or being too repetitive. Underline any part of the conclusion that you think might be a problem and mark it clearly as such.

7. Attempt to comment on the grammar in the paper. Consider the grammar elements that we have studied in this class. Specifically, look for vague or unclear pronouns or pronouns that do not agree with their antecedent, problems with possessives or plurals, verb agreement and verb tense. Also, look at punctuation; try to identify fragments, comma splices and run on sentences. Finally, look for problems with their, there and they're... with affect and effect... with to, too and two....

8. Look for problem words. Think about those I have marked on your paper. Here are some examples: huge, tons, really, super, lots, a lot, very, things...

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